
A wide range of media types (sand, crushed glass, activated carbon, anthracite, basalt, quartz, etc.) are available for various applications. Media filters offer a quality solution for in-depth filtration requirements and are available in various media filter types that meet international drinking water standards.

Sand, gravel, anthracite or other graded granular particles placed inside the media filters according to need form a thick layer. This filter bed provides in-depth filtration technology. Suspended organic and inorganic substances are retained in the filter bed down to 10 microns (this sensitivity can be customized according to needs). The filter cake formed is removed from the filter media through the drain by backwashing the filtered water. In this way, it offers automatic cleaning and sustainable.

Self-Cleaning : At the moment of self-cleaning, filtered and pressurized (min. 2 bar) water moving against the flow direction dissolves the particles (filter cake) attached to the filter bed and causes them to remain suspended. These suspended particles are carried out of the filter media by backwash valves.

Water Types: Suitable for a wide range of water types with high dirt load capacity. It allows the use of chemicals and enables in-depth combined treatment with coagulation/flocculation.

Coagulation and flocculation methods are the processes of bringing together and rapid precipitation of fine-sized solid particles that are suspended in any liquid without settling or that settle very slowly and therefore cause turbidity by means of a solid material.

Filtering Element: Enhanced granular media as well as other organic filter bed types; such as Quartz, Basalt, Anthracite, FilterAG, Activated Carbon, Garnet, Glass Granules, etc.

Filtering Degree: 10 - 300 microns

Media <br>Technology